van BEIRENDONCK, Walter. Show/Off: Uncovering the Fashion Department.

(Antwerp): Royal Academy of Fine Arts, 2008.  First edition.  Softcover.  30cm by 23cm.  146 pages.  The first issue of this magazine published to showcase the yearly work of the graduates of the famed fashion department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp.  This issue includes texts by Walter van Beirendonck, photography by Ronald Stoops, a conversation with Dries van Noten, an article on Stephen Jones,  a ‘who’s where’ of previous gradutes, and of course a showcase of the graduating class of 2008 who included Jurgi Persoons, Veronique Branquinho, Bernhard Willhelm, Bruno Pieters, Kris van Assche and many others.  A very good copy in glossy wrappers.


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