PINONCELLI, [Pierre]. Addio Happening 1.
(Nice, France): Pinoncelli, 1968. First edition. Softcover. 34.5cm by 24.5cm. [20]-pages. Pinoncelli a performance artist most noted for urinating on one of Duchamps fountain commenced ‘happenings’ in 1966, one event took place at the opening of the Klein exhibition at the Jewish Museum in 1967. The volume here documents some of the events, laid-in is a flyer for the Pinoncelli ‘happening’ at the 34th Venice Biennale, 19 June 1968. Additionally laid-in is the catalogue for “Les 40 Morts” the atist’s first exhibition in Paris, at the Lacloche Gallery, an exhibition acclaimed by the critics of the time. All items in very good conditio. The LaCloche catalogue with some ink annotation.
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