NORIKO, Shibuya. Takenokozoku.

(No place): Area Books, [2024].  First edition.  17.5cm by 23cm.  Unpaginated.  Photographs of the  Takenokozoku dancing around the pedestrian zone that opened on Sundays in Harajuku. TheTakenokozok were a group of young people mainly girls but often with one boy leading, who, wearing brightly coloured outfits, would dance on Olympic Road to music blasting from stereos. To an extent, they were precursors to the gyaru groups that would eventually arise in the 90s. The gyaru was a subculture for young women, often associated with gaudy fashion styles and dyed hair.  The fashion subculture was considered to be nonconformist and rebelling against Japanese social and aesthetic standards.  This a very good copy in dust jacket, although not stated published in an edition of 350 copies.


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