CENDRARS, Blaise. Feuilles de Route. 1. Le Formose.

(Paris): Au Sans Pareil, 1924.  First edition.  12mo.  75 pages.  Cendrars account of his trip to Brazil, and a tour taken with a group of São Paulo modernists headed by Oswald and Mário Andrade. This sojourn within the Brazilian interior sowed the seeds of the Brazilian movement known as Pau-Brasil. The book is illustrated by the artist Tarsila do Amaral, who travelled with the group and produced some sketches of the scenery along the way. A very good copy in printed wrappers, illustrated with one of Tarsila do Amaral’s famous works, A Negra (1923).  Published in a total edition of 800 copies, this one of 750 on papier verge Bulky.  A nice example.


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