
Librarian Porn.

Archive of Librarian Pulp Porn Novels. [San Diego]: Multiple publishers, including Erotic Library, Patch Pockets, Greenleaf Classics etc., 1970-1988. First Editions. Octavos. This collection of 52 librarian-themed porn novels spans the early-1970s to the late 1980s. Less commonplace than the popular sexy nurse, sexy teacher, sexy student or sexy maid fantasy, the erotic librarian genre nonetheless is perhaps the most sought after being a prominent fixture in the pornographic imagination.  Porn books and librarians have always had a passionate, mutually defining relationship—it was, in fact, a prudish French librarian in the early nineteenth century who coined the word pornography. The second wave of librarian porn began in the 1970’s with the rise of women in the profession of librarianship and second-wave feminism.  This collection begins with, if not the first, the most iconic title in the genre; The Nympho Librarian by Les Tucker (Jake Moskovitz) with fridge magnet inspiring cover art by Paul Radar and ends with a sub-genre of S&M-themed titles such as “Degraded Raped Librarian” and “A Librarian Enslaved” whilst also including a number of scarcer Librarian titles.  All copies in at least very good condition, in a variety of lurid photographic and illustrated wrappers. A full list of titles is available on request.


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