[DEBORD, G.E.]. Internationale Situationniste 1958-1969.
(Amersterdam): Van Gennep, 1970. First edition thus. Softcover. 23cm by 15.4cm. Unpaginated. Reproductions of the 12 issues of the he journal Situationist International. The journal predominately edited by Guy Debord was as much a tool for theoretical development as a medium for the propaganda of the ideas of the Situationist International. The Situationist International (SI) was an organization of revolutionary theorists, strategists, and activists operating in the cultural, artistic, political, and social fields who seek to put an end to class society and the “dictatorship of the commodity.” Its founders defined themselves, in the first issue of their journal in 1958, as those “who work to construct situations,” a “constructed situation” being a “moment of life, concretely and deliberately constructed by the collective organization of a unitary atmosphere and a set of events “. Illustrated. This a very good copy, small name, place, date at bootom of title page, in silver wrappers.
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